Animals for Dummies

The best thing I can say about squirrels is either you love then or you hate them except for those who tolerate them. What ever your thoughts here are some facts about them that may be of interest to you.

There are seven families of squirrels and the have over 365 species. There are tree squirrels, flying squirrels, ground squirrels as well as many other squirrel like critters such as prairie dogs, gophers, and groundhogs.

A squirrel's brain is about the size of a walnut so I don't know why they are so hard to outwit.

Gray squirrels come in many colors. Shades of gray are the most common but they can also be different shades of brown. The pure white and pure black squirrels are both are variations of the gray squirrel.

Gray squirrels live on average 7 years but in the suburbs the average life span is less than a year. This is not due to natural predictors but do to unfortunate run ins with the automobile.

The average adult squirrel needs to eat about a pound of food a week.

Adult squirrel normally lives alone, in severe cold they will share with other squirrels to conserve body heat. Once the temperature rises, the guests will be shown the door.

During winter storms, or severe cold, a squirrel may not leave their nest for days the tree squirrel does not hibernate.

In late winter squirrels are the most active because this is when mating season begins. Males will chase the females as well as other male squirrels around the tree tops at breakneck speeds as they go crashing through the branches.

Female squirrels will choose the strongest male during mating season. It is very unlikely though that she will ever breed with the same male again. This helps to preserve the species by eliminating inbreeding.

Squirrels are usually born in the early spring. The average litter consists of four. Depending on climate and location a second litter can occur in mid check here summer.

Baby squirrel weighs approximately one ounce at birth, are about one inch long they do not have hair or teeth, and are virtually blind for the first 6 to 8 weeks.

Squirrels eyes are located high, and on each side of their head. This allows them a wide field of vision, without turning their head and they ar always on the lookout for predictors.

The gray squirrels diet consists of nuts, seeds and fruit, but it will eat bird eggs, bugs, and even fast food if it is available. Gray squirrel requires some salt in its diet, and may find this salt in the soil along roads where snow and ice may have been.

A squirrel will clean a nut by licking it or rubbing on its face before it is buried. This action applies a scent to the nut which helps the squirrel find it later, even under a foot of snow.

Squirrels communicate through a series of chirps. The frequency, and the duration of the notes communicate everything from laughter to alarm. these sounds when used in conjunction with tail gestures, is how squirrels communicate.

If a squirrel has takes up residence in your attic or crawl space you will need to trap him to get rid of him.

In the summer squirrels are most active for 2 or 3 hours in the morning and then for 2 hours before sunset. They will rest in the afternoon by their nests. The squirrels will return to their nest before sunset and will not venture out in the dark.

In the winter squirrels will do all their activities between dawn and mid day then hang around their nest till the next day.

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